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Volltextsuche nach »important«

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Keyword-Suche nach »important«, Treffer 1 bis 25 von 214, Top 25

1.) Europas Wasserstoffwirtschaft nimmt Fahrt auf – Nordrhein-Westfalen beteiligt sich mit zehn Projekten am größten Wasserstoff-Verbundvorhaben in der EU

[…] neun Industrie-Projekten gehen nordrhein-westfälische Unternehmen und Forschungseinrichtungen in die nächste Phase des so genannten Wasserstoff IPCEI (Important Project of Common European Interest). Zudem wird es ein europaweites Mobilitätsprojekt zur Errichtung einer Tankstelleninfrastruktur und Bereitstellung von Brennstoffzellen-Lkw geben, das aufgrund der zentralen Lage Nordrhein-Westfalens und seiner Bedeutung als Logistikstandort einen besonderen Schwerpunkt in Nordrhein-Westfalen […] weiterlesen

2.) BUND-Kommentar vom 28. Mai 2021: Wasserstoff-Großprojekte: Nutzung von Wasserstoff aus Atomenergie darf nicht gefördert werden

[…] vom 28. Mai 2021: Wasserstoff-Großprojekte: Nutzung von Wasserstoff aus Atomenergie darf nicht gefördert werden Zur Bekanntgabe der vom Bundeswirtschaftsministerium geförderten Wasserstoff-Großprojekte zwischen Deutschland, Luxemburg und Frankreich erklärt Olaf Bandt, Vorsitzender des Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz Deutschland (BUND): »Grenzüberschreitende Wasserstoffnetze bergen die Gefahr, dass die Nutzung von Wasserstoff aus Atomenergie gefördert wird. Die Bundesregierung muss […] weiterlesen

3.) EU-Tierarzneimittelverordnung: Verbände fordern, dass für Menschen besonders wichtige Antibiotika nicht in der Tierhaltung eingesetzt werden

[…] die von der Weltgesundheitsorganisation WHO als Wirkstoffe mit höchster Priorität für Menschen eingestuft werden, sollen allein in der Humanmedizin eingesetzt werden. Dies fordern acht Organisationen aus Humanmedizin, Umwelt- und Tierschutz in einem gemeinsamen Brief an das Europäische Parlament. Angeschrieben worden sind die Mitglieder des Ausschusses für Umweltfragen, öffentliche Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit (ENVI). »Der Ausschuss sollte sich klar dafür aussprechen, die für […] weiterlesen

4.) Artnet Auctions plant NFT-Auktion sowie Versteigerung hochkarätiger zeitgenössischer Werke für die Herbstsaison

[…] Die Online-Auktionsplattform Artnet Auctions hat ihren Provisionsumsatz in den ersten sechs Monaten des Jahres 2021 im Vorjahresvergleich um 23 Prozent auf drei Millionen Dollar gesteigert. Nach diesem Umsatzrekord plant Artnet Auctions nun mehrere wichtige Initiativen und Auktionen für die Herbstsaison 2021. Erstmals wird Artnet Non-Fungible Tokens (NFT) versteigern. »Als Schnittstelle zwischen dem traditionellen Kunstgeschäft und der Kryptowelt werden wir in diesem Herbst eine Auswahl an […] weiterlesen

5.) Bundesregierung verabschiedet Entwurf der Wasserstoffnetzentgeltverordnung

[…] Die Bundesregierung hat heute den vom Bundesminister für Wirtschaft und Energie vorgelegten Entwurf einer Verordnung über die Kosten und Entgelte für den Zugang zu Wasserstoffnetzen (Wasserstoffnetzentgeltverordnung) verabschiedet. Wasserstoff spielt beim Erreichen der Treibhausgasneutralität bis 2045 aufgrund seiner vielseitigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten eine besondere Rolle. Entscheidend ist in den nächsten Jahren, zügig den Markthochlauf in allen Wertschöpfungsstufen des […] weiterlesen

6.) Anzeige: Lesetipps für Gütersloh: »Stand Firm« and Other Insights for End-Time Preparations

[…] für Gütersloh: »Stand Firm« and Other Insights for End-Time Preparations  Orlando, FL, Dec. 9, 2021The concept of the rapture looms over believers, instilling hope in some but fear in many others. After all, no one knows exactly when it will happen or how long any tribulation will last. »People are already reacting with fear. … I think it’s an important topic to deal with because so many — I mean, many — really do not have a grasp of the scriptures that talk about the end-time« […] weiterlesen

7.) Kraft Heinz Announces Agreement to Acquire Majority Stake in Just Spices – a Technology-Enabled Direct-to-Consumer Business

[…] Heinz Announces Agreement to Acquire Majority Stake in Just Spices – a Technology-Enabled Direct-to-Consumer Business The Kraft Heinz Company (Nasdaq: KHC) (»Kraft Heinz«) announced today that it has reached an agreement to acquire an 85% stake in Germany-based Just Spices GmbH (»Just Spices«). The remaining 15% ownership stake will be retained by Just Spices’ three founders, who will continue on with the company and focus on driving the business and its international growth. The Kraft […] weiterlesen

8.) The Champagne books by Richard Juhlin

[…] Champagne books by Richard JuhlinWelcome to the world of Champagne books of the no1 champagne expert in the world. Richard Juhlin is the author of eight books, including Champagne Hiking, The Great Tasting & 3,000 Champagnes, all three of which received the prize for ‘Best Book on French Wines in the World’ at the Gourmand World Cookbook Awards. Another release, 4,000 Champagnes, received an important prize – ‘The International Champagne Writer of the Year Award’ in 2005 at The […] weiterlesen

9.) Campari brings Red Passion to life in new inspirational digital campaign

[…] brings Red Passion to life in new inspirational digital campaignThe new concept, inviting us to follow our passions, is brought to life by Campari in a series of films featuring pioneering artists from across the globe Campari, der ikonische italienische rote Aperitif hat eine inspirierende neue digitale Kampagne mit einer einzigartigen Partnerschaft mit bemerkenswerten Künstlern aus der ganzen Welt gestartet, die das neu entwickelte Ethos der Marke Red Passion zum Leben erweckt – den Drang […] weiterlesen

10.) Corona: Laut einer Studie aus England berichten Infizierte über ein neues Omikron-Symptom

[…] Laut einer Studie aus England berichten Infizierte über ein neues Omikron-Symptom Die »klassischen« Symptome einer Corona Infektion sind Halsschmerzen, Fieber, Husten, fehlender Geruchssinn und fehlender Geschmackssinn. Laut einer aktuellen Studie aus England kann »Omikron« bei Infizierten auch ein neues Symptom auslösen: Appetitlosigkeit. Wie der englische »Mirror« berichtet, fanden das an der »ZOE-Covid-Symptomstudie« beteiligte Forscher heraus, als sie Symptomdaten positiv […] weiterlesen

11.) Bäckerhefe Saccharomyces cerevisiae ist Mikrobe des Jahres 2022

[…] Saccharomyces cerevisiae ist Mikrobe des Jahres 2022 Wenn zu Jahresbeginn die Sektkorken knallen, ist die Mikrobe des Jahres 2022 beteiligt: Die Bäckerhefe Saccharomyces cerevisiae produziert neben Wein – der Grundlage von Sekt – und Bier auch Kuchen und Brot. Hefen sind winzige Einzeller und zählen zu den Mikroben, auch wenn sie – anders als Bakterien – einen Zellkern besitzen (Eukaryoten). Diese Verwandtschaft mit Menschen macht sie zu einem idealen Forschungsobjekt. Als kleine […] weiterlesen

12.) Day-Domains: for your tourism offer

[…] Holiday. day for your tourism offerYou can now get holiday. day for your tourism offer. We are able to provide you the relevant trademarks at short notice and you can participate in the sunrise period of the Day-Domains.  Of course, you can also use other terms.  Do you want some. day or any. day? That would of course also be possible. If you are interested in our offer, please contact us. If you don't like the solution with holi. day, you can opt for the Holiday-Domains. The Day-Domain […] weiterlesen

13.) Bosch Tech Compass: 72 percent believe that technology makes the world a better place

[…] Tech Compass: 72 percent believe that technology makes the world a better placeThree out of four respondents worldwide see technological progress as the key to combating climate changePeople surveyed want technology to be more focused on tackling major challengesBosch CEO Stefan Hartung: “The Bosch Tech Compass shows that people want technology that addresses the problems of our time. ”Western countries have high hopes for green tech, Asia for AI and 5G. Beam me up, Scotty: When asked how […] weiterlesen

14.) Remington and Manchester United Extend Partnership, video

[…] and Manchester United Extend Partnership, videoManchester United Head of Academy Highlights Importance of Individuality and Confidence for Young Players Manchester, England, January 13, 2022Spectrum Brands Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: SPB) and Manchester United (NYSE: MANU) jointly announced today the extension of their global partnership, which will see Spectrum Brands’ iconic Remington personal care brand continuing its successful partnership as Manchester United Official Electrical Styling […] weiterlesen

15.) Strong Supplier Relationships Key to Getting Ahead in 2022, Specialists Report

[…] Supplier Relationships Key to Getting Ahead in 2022, Specialists ReportAs experts predict supply chain issues well into 2022, small businesses should make maintaining healthy supplier relationships a core business activityStrong Supplier Relationships Can Be Key to Financial Health Houston, January 15, 2022Leading invoice funding company Charter Capital urges business owners to focus on their supplier relationships going into 2022. While good rapport with suppliers has always been important […] weiterlesen

16.) Astranaut And Space Perspective Will Send One Lucky Civilian to Space for Free

[…] Astranaut And Space Perspective Will Send One Lucky Civilian to Space for Free The winner will be chosen from the stage at The North American Bitcoin Conference Miami, January 17, 2022Attendees of the North American Bitcoin Conference (TNABC) will have the unique opportunity to win a free trip to space. This spectacular giveaway is hosted by Astranaut and Space Perspective and includes pre-space-flight training and a post-space-flight reintegration program designed to extract powerful insights […] weiterlesen

17.) UNO Marine, the Best Marine Fuels With High Quality Standards to Navigate Safely

[…] Marine, the Best Marine Fuels With High Quality Standards to Navigate SafelyThe maritime industry faces the great challenge of using less polluting fuels for maximizing environmental protection, limiting sulfur oxides emissions from vessels. Heading towards a more sustainable planet, UNO Marine offers you quality fuels which offers a safer way to navigate Miami, January 16, 2022The maritime industry faces the great challenge of using less polluting fuels for maximizing environmental protection […] weiterlesen

18.) Russia denies plans to attack Ukraine, has demanded NATO stops its eastward expansion

[…] denies plans to attack Ukraine, has demanded NATO stops its eastward expansion and wants the military forces of both sides to go back to where they were in May 1997 CGTN Europe, 18 Jan 2022Ukraine’s Deputy Foreign Minister Emine Dzhaparova spoke to CGTN’s Guy Henderson in Kyiv on Friday, at the end of a week in which talks between Moscow and Western states on Russia’s deployment of tens of thousands of troops along Ukraine’s border ended with no breakthrough.  Just before they spoke […] weiterlesen

19.) Kraft Heinz Completes Acquisition of Majority Stake in Just Spices, a Technology-Enabled Direct-to-Consumer Business

[…] Heinz Completes Acquisition of Majority Stake in Just Spices, a Technology-Enabled Direct-to-Consumer Business Pittsburgh, Chicago, Wednesday, January 19, 2022 Deal to Further Accelerate Kraft Heinz’s International Growth Strategy Focused on Taste Elevation The Kraft Heinz Company (Nasdaq: KHC) (“Kraft Heinz”) announced today that it has completed its acquisition of an 85% stake in Germany-based Just Spices GmbH (“Just Spices”). The remaining 15% ownership stake has been retained by […] weiterlesen

20.) The Hemp Doctor: Announcing a New Line of Delta 9 THC Gummies

[…] Hemp Doctor: Announcing a New Line of Delta 9 THC Gummies Mooresville, N. C. , January 22, 2022The Hemp Doctor is proud and excited to announce its new Delta 9 THC Gummies. Known for innovation, this is the third major release of a new cannabinoid in as many months for The Hemp Doctor. Hot on the heels of the THC-O vapes and gummies, as well as the HHC vape release, these Delta 9 THC gummies are unbeatable. These new gummies boast rich amounts of the Delta 9 THC cannabinoid. This element is […] weiterlesen

21.) What is Blockchain?

[…] is Blockchain?Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), Real Estate and Business Transactions Blockchain is an irrefutably resourceful invention which can be practically bringing about a revolution in the global business industry. Its evolution has brought with it a greater superior, not simply for businesses but for its beneficiaries too. But since it is revelation for the world, a vision of its operational activities continues to be unclear. The main query stick in everyone’s mind is - What’s […] weiterlesen

22.) Most expensive doughnut in the world

[…] expensive doughnut in the world Deutschland, 25. Januar 2022 A very special ring - the most expensive doughnut in the world Most people can only dream of a piece of jewellery worth 10,000 Euros. But those who believed that only jewellery and precious stones could hold such high gold values were very much mistaken: the donut monarch Royal Donuts recently presented a truly magnificent specimen of a donut, thus providing a glimpse into a luxurious world of exclusivity that is capable of surpassing […] weiterlesen

23.) Capitalism lives off all forms of freedom

[…] lives off all forms of freedom The basic idea is clear to all of us, we require democratic structures and freedoms connected with them, in order to further preserve the foundation of a healthy economic system and also generate growth under normal circumstances. We owe these basic political and economic structures of our West European society since 1949 to the decisive effort of the United States of America. Since then the “Capitalist“ system has contributed to the success of our society and […] weiterlesen

24.) The world’s most beautiful dog breeds

[…] world’s most beautiful dog breedsRank Dog breed Golden Ratio score  1 Cairn Terrier 88. 7% 2 West Highland White Terrier 87. 5% 3 Border Collie 86. 7% 4 Rhodesian Ridgeback 86. 0% 5 Welsh Terrier 85. 9% 6 Weimaraner 85. 6% 7 Tolling Retriever 85. 0% 8 Italian Greyhound 84. 9% 9 Norfolk Terrier 84. 3% 10 Pembroke Welsh Corgi 83. 9%  Money. co. uk  can reveal that the world’s most beautiful dog is the Cairn Terrier. Not only are Cairn Terriers affectionate […] weiterlesen

25.) Anzeige: Lesetipps für Gütersloh: Master Chefs of IT serve up tantalising recipes of ideas

[…] Chefs of IT serve up tantalising recipes of ideas Mechelen, February 1, 2022Cionet, the world's leading community of digital leaders, has brought together the latest ideas about information technology in their new book the Cionet Cookbook: Recipes for Digital Success. Using the analogy of a 5 star restaurant, 25 top IT executives from around the world share their recipes to help companies not only survive but thrive in this drastically changing digital era. In many organisations, the IT […] weiterlesen

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